
Graduate TA

Undergraduate & Graduate courses, New York University, 2016

During my PhD I was a TA for 5 courses at both the undergrad and graduate levels between 2016 and 2019:

  1. Introductory Electronics Laboratory (undergrad)
  2. Introductory Thermodynamics (undergrad, twice)
  3. Mathematical Methods for Physicists (undergrad)
  4. Computational Physics (graduate)

Each course required different management based on the student and instructor needs including experimental setup, homework design and solutions, exam design and solutions, supplemental lectures, and office hours.

Course Instructor PHYS 91SI–Practical Computing for Scientists

Undergraduate, Stanford University, 2014

As an undergraduate student, I was a course instructor for the student designed and taught course Physics 91SI. This was a for-credit course offered by the Stanford physics department and highly recommended by professors to undergraduates interested in joining their labs and beginning research. The curriculum of the course was a combination of programming and data science in order to give students the foundational skills to conduct research. My duties included syllabus design, lecturing, homework design, office hours, and mentoring for the final projects. The syllabus is archived here.